Monday, November 24, 2014

paranoia girl never dreamed before

she never looks out the window
(someone might see)
she never saw the sun go up
and down (and across)
never hearing spring
never smelling autumn
paranoia girl never dreamed before

she never leapt
she never flew
she just slept and 
she never knew
what life could look like inside-out
paranoia girl never dreamed before

because it might hurt
because she may cry

everyone else has eyes that she
knows are pressed against (peering in)
the only window in
the only room she ever sits in
paranoia girl never dreamed before

she never felt interpretation
opinions rot unheard
unused (and
paranoia girl never dreamed before

her rainbows have to be real
or they don't exist

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

belongs to her

let me drink to see double
so the moon becomes her eyes
eyes that love me
eyes that judge me
they belong to her.

let all beautiful colors mix
to shine like the tone of her skin
skin soft and pleasing
skin hot and teasing
it belongs her to her.

let light shine complete and unfiltered
so it radiates like her soul
a soul I admire
a soul I aspire

to charm with the light from my own.